おにやんま @oniyanma_bg
- 『人労 = “Jinrou, employee caring werewolf”!』English rule
- 2019/5/24 8:00
“Vacation, office romance…and work!”
You are an employee of a company and will join a “secret” project which you must hide who you are.
However, everyone is sooooo unique. Diligent employee, excellent CEO but may die from overwork (Karoshi), Temp staff wants to fly the nest, Secretary always seeking nice guy to marry, Lazy bone wants to skip work.
Who is the best person to work with? When is the best timing to take a vacation? When should
I fall in office romance (with whom)?
Achieve your target as keeping work-life balance. For it, “Employee caring” company policy is
so imperative!
人労 = “Jinrou, employee caring werewolf”!
7 Character cards (1 CEO / 3 employee / 1 Lazy bone / 1 secretary /1 temp staff)
56 skill cards (Green…finance / Blue…Sales talk / Yellow...Marketing /White...vacation /
18 project cards (6cards each for Green/ Blue / Yellow)
1 progress marker
7 envelopes
1 user manual

Each characters’ condition to win
Diligent team (CEO/employee) …Reach the project finish / Fall in love with secretary.
Lazy bone…Project failed to finish / Fall in love with secretary / CEO is selected 4 times.
Secretary…Fall in office romance with another person but lazy bone.
Temp staff…Selected 4 times / Fall in love with secretary.

Game setting
1.Deal the cards
Character card combination depends on the number of players.
Put the set of character card and skill card (hereinafter called “hand”) into respective envelope and shuffle it.
All players have 1 character card and 8 skill cards. See summary card to see the skill card breakdown.
~Combination of characters~

*Try to change character combination freely from 2nd play!
Deal the envelopes one by one to each player.
Each player confirms his/her character card and face them down on hand.
Note to keep your character card and hand hidden from the other players.
2.Decide project contents
Face down the project card and shuffle them well. Set the cards in line and decide which end is start/finish. (hereinafter the line of the cards called “project”)
Note to arrange the order to avoid more than three same color cards lined up in a row.
Put the progress marker on the 2nd project card from the start.
3.Determine who goes first
The player who take vacation most recently will be the start player (the leader of the 1st round)
If nobody has not taken vacation yet, apply for paid holiday to your boss immediately, or decide start player randomly.
Game process
1.Project leader select 3 players (OK to including the leader)
2.Each 3 players submit 2 skill cards face down to the leader.
If temp person is selected 4th times, she/ he declare it to win.
If CEO is selected 4 times, she / he will lose due to death from overtime (Karoshi). Not only CEO, all diligent team players lose same time.
Vacation and romance card cannot be submitted in the same time.
3.Leader shuffles the 6 skill cards (keep the card face down) and open them to all the players.
if 2 romance cards are included, check if one of them is from secretary with no vacation card. If yes, secretary and the owner of another romance card will win together (= fall in love). If the owner still has his/her vacation card, only secretary wins.
4.Forward progress marker depends on the result of 3.
Match the color of skill card and project card to forward the progress marker. Vacation card eliminate one green/blue/yellow card.
CEO’s X2 skill card works as 2 same color card.
If the total of vacation card and romance card exceeds 2, back the progress marker by one.
5.Leader select next leader
6.Repeat 1 to 6 until all players experience leader

Game end/determine the winner
When you finish the round of number of the players,
•Progress marker does not reach the finish…Lazy bone wins.
•Progress marker reach the finish… Diligent team wins.
However, lazy bone wins in either of following case;
1.Diligent team players still have greater than or equal to 2 vacation cards.
2.Someone in Diligent team still have his/her romance card.
If Temp staff and employee/ CEO win in the same time, only temp staff wins.